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Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in a Time of Crisis Award, February 2020


Doctoral Research Method Certification Distinction Award, February 2018


Marlene S. Korn Humanitarian Award,  May 2017



Youth apprenticeship in reasoned discourse: The power of learning by doing (2021)
Advisor: Deanna Kuhn, Professor of Psychology




Kuhn, D., Fragauda, T., & Halpern, M. (under review). When and how does discourse lead an
individual to adopt a new idea? Journal of Educational Psychology


Kuhn, D., & Halpern, M. (2023). What we learned from Covid-19 about discourse-based learning.
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction.


Kuhn, D., & Halpern, M. (2022). How might argumentation research inform discourse-based Social
Studies education?
The Social Studies.


Patel, V. L., Halpern, M., Nagaraj, V., Chang, O., Iyengar, S., & May, W. (2021). Information processing by community health nurses using mobile health (mHealth) tools for early identification of suicide and depression risks in Fiji Islands. BMJ Health & Care Informatics.

Kuhn, D., & Halpern, M. (2020). Student to student discourse in an online environment: Giving
students the opportunity to engage intellectually with their peers
. Association for
Middle Level Education


Kuhn, D., Floyd, D., Yaksick, P., Halpern, M., & Ricks, W. (2018). How does discourse among like-
minded individuals affect their thinking about a complex issue?
Thinking & Reasoning.





Kuhn, D., Halpern, M., & Bruun, S. K. (2022). From talk to text: Implementing student discussions that matter. In Z. A. Traga Philippakos & S. Graham (Eds.), Writing and reading connections:Bridging research and practice. Guilford Press.




1. “When will I ever need to know this? A short reflection on the purpose and value of learning in School.” March 17, 2020.





Halpern, M., & Kuhn, D. (2022, February 1). Let’s discuss. Sponsored Virtual Session, National
Council for the Social Studies Democracy Ready Virtual Conference.


Kuhn, D., Halpern, M., & Martin, J. (2021, October 26). From talk to text: Dialog as a path to critical
thinking and writing
. Colloquium, The Graduate Center at the City University of New York

Kuhn, D., & Halpern, M. (2020, February 10). The power of technology to get students thinking. CSCL
in Times of Crisis Webinars (Virtual).


Calzaferri, G., Halpern, M., & Albu, A. (2017, June). Designing and implementing a Graduate Student Satisfaction Survey. Poster presented at the Association for Institutional Research,
Washington, DC.


Halpern, M., Champagne, C., Kaplan, A., Dai, T., Davidson, Y., Cromley, J., Perez, T., Mara, K., &
Balsai, M. (2017, April). Undergraduate biology students’ motivation to engage in relevance
writing: An interview study
. Poster presented at the American Educational Research
Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.


Halpern M., Lombardi, D., & Bailey, J.M. (2017, April). Students’ informal reasoning, evaluations, and
plausibility perceptions about climate change
. Poster presented at the American Educational
Research Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.


Halpern, M., Lombardi, D., & Bailey, J.M. (2016, April). How do students co-construct knowledge
when evaluating alternative models of climate change?
Paper presented at the National
Consortium for Instruction and Cognition, Washington, DC.


St. Pierre, M., & Halpern, M. (2016, April). Science teachers’ identity processes in the context of professional identity development: A diary study. Poster presented at the American
Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC








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